"Revenge of the Naked Gerbil People" (US title "Avatar"); James Cameron, dir., writer; CGI by all those guys you see at ComicCon
Dances With Wolves In Space!
Sam Worthington; Lt. Uhura; and Sigorney Weaver as "Ripley"
Nodded off/Nyquil kicked in around:I attempted, on about three separate occasions, to watch this film on behest of a couple of "Avatar" fans (I'll use the U.S. title, although it's been well documented that Cameron nearly quit the project over 20th Century Fox's refusal to reference the giant blue rodents in domestic promotions). I failed to make it through on about three separate occasions, getting as far as when the bipeds of Hamsteria had their treehouse knocked over.
Observation/Life Lesson:Much has been made about Director James Cameron's revolutionary use of 3D in "Avatar," with which he used to create stunning visual effects that wowed theater audiences and many critics alike. However, when played on a 17" screen without 3D, "Avatar," weighed down by contrivances and a plot that has been done to death, sinks like the Titanic. And like "Titanic," Avatar isn't necessarily a bad film, but it's not a great film, either.
There's not much to be said about "Avatar" that hasn't been said already. It seems like cheap shots, making fun of a movie whose main characters are able to control mutant ostriches by plugging their ponytails directly into the ostriches' ear. Cameron fills every inch of the screen with something colorful and fantastical. After a while, it becomes so visually overwhelming that it overflows like so much BP oil. All you can do is just let it kill some pelicans and hope your next film experience is a little less ridiculous.