Gerard Butler, Lena Headey and That Guy from Lord of the Rings as "The Balladeer"
Nodded off/Nyquil kicked in around:
After 1 hour and 10 minutes, my taste for fast/slow motion optic effects and poorly rendered digital killer dogs abruptly stopped.
Observation/Life Lesson:
In 480 BC in Thermopylae, Greece, 300 badly outnumbered Spartans led by King Leonidas took on over 1,000 invading Persians. Their sacrifice for their homeland is probably best captured in the words of Michel de Motaigne: " … the fairest sister-victories which the Sun has ever seen, yet they would never dare to compare their combined glory with the glorious defeat of King Leonidas and his men. …"
Or, as Warner Bros put it: "Feel the wrath in IMAX!"

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