"Hercules In New York" (1970); Arthur Allan Seidelman, dir. (if you can call it "directing.")
Hard to pin down. I'd say comedy, but it's not very funny. Nor can I say action/adventure, as it has neither. Like the duck-billed platypus, "Hercules In New York" belongs in a classification all its own. If I had to name it, I'd dub the genre Austro-Grecko Historical Drama/Tradgedy.
The life-like body of Arnold Schwarzenegger (billed as Arnold Strong "Mr. Universe"), the intolerable visage of Arnold Stang.
Nodded off/Nyquil kicked in around:
Mercifully soon.
Observation/Lie Lesson:
"Hercules In New York" has many things to teach us. First, it doesn't matter how thick your Austrian accent, some poor slob will overdub your lines in post. Second, you can bounce back from nearly anything and become governor of the most popular state in the union.

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