"Robot Holocaust" (1987); Tim Kincaid, writer/director.
Robotic Uprising Apocalypse Film … minus any overt attempts at even vaguely realistic robots. Captain Video had more realistic robots when they put a guy in cardboard box wrapped in tinfoil.
Norris Culf as Neo (who made the name uncool long before Keanu Reeves); Nadine Hartstein as Deeja; J. Buzz Von Ornsteiner as Klyton (I'm not sure which name is more annoying).
Nodded off/Nyquil kicked in around:
According to my internal chronometer: 00:39:43 into viewing.
Observation/Life Lesson:
Holocaust denial has long been the sport of those who no longer wish to associate with reality in any way. I'm at a loss as to explain how anyone can engage in such an activity. Over 6 million Jews and millions more "undesirables" … do you think they all moved to Tulsa?
Then there's Robot Holocaust denial, which is something I fully endorse. Why? There is little to no evidence that robots annihilated their human masters in the year 33 "by the billions," as told in the film's prologue. Besides, if such an event did occur, to would make it nigh-impossible for the events described in the Queen space-folk song "'39" to occur. I refuse to accept that.
As for the film itself? The so-called "Robot Holocaust" really just an excuse to run around northern New Jersey in loincloths purchased at K-Mart. Besides, Flight of the Conchords has a more realistic take on robotic uprisings:

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